Sunday, January 31, 2010

I am so sick of feeling crappy....

I am so sick of having these crappy feeling days.
I had a bit of a migraine last night.
I was entirely too warm in bed.
I felt awful
I took am Imitrex at 6:00 this morning.
And I've felt awful all day.
I didn't enjoy much lunch.
I didn't want to shop.
I am not technically "sick".
It's not a cold.
It's not the flu.
It's not an upset stomach.
I had that last week and I know the difference.
It's just this general awful yukky feeling.
I just feel crappy and that is the only way to explain it.
And I am sick of these days that I just feel crappy.


garnett109 said...

i get those days also i just ride it out

Unknown said...

very interesting, nice .............
this really helped me ......... good luck ......
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