Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blocking Porn Sites from reaching Blog comments

Okay...question here:
Yesterday I found a comment on my blog that was a bit bizarre looking.
When I followed it back, it led me directly to an Asian Porn site.
I obviously don't want this showing up on my blog.
I immediately deleted the entire entry.
I want to block this from happening again.
It did NOT make me happy.
Any suggestions other that changing "Comment Moderation" settings?
Can I report this to AOL?
Can I report it to Blogger?
Will they even care?


Jennifer said...

I've tried reporting it, and get no response. I'm surprised they made it through your word verification?! I hate having even the word verification on, but I, too, was running into too much spam. It's pretty unfortunate.

garnett109 said...

I get those every now and again just delete the comment

jon said...

It has never happen to me. thank god.